Around 100 protesters were arrested on Saturday at a pro-Palestine encampment at Northeastern University, but not the one whose hate speech got everything shut down.

    6 months ago

    Pro-Israeli interests have sometimes settled for manufacturing a helpful “truth” when it doesn’t exist. The latest version seems to be that protesters are widely violent, hateful, and make campuses/cities unsafe. Here’s a 4-minute message from a Jewish Holocaust survivor about his time in the front lines of pro-Palestine protests: “When the right-wing section of the present government is trying to press for the banning of these marches on the grounds that they create ‘no-go areas’ for Jews and they are anti-Semitic - we know that this is complete rubbish and the very opposite is true.” He encourages “the brave student protesters” to keep going, and talks about how well they have been treated and celebrated even while wearing placards that identify them as Jews.

    Here’s a Jewish Londoner talking about how he’s been attending UK pro-Palestine/ceasefire marches for months with a large Jewish bloc and they’ve “been received very warmly”. The interviewer then disagrees with him, telling him that he’s in danger and the marches are anti-Semitic in spite of the person who’s actually been going to months of protests saying it’s the opposite.

    Here’s a video of a woman who walked into the middle of a protest calling 911 and trying to invent a dangerous situation while everyone around her keeps their distance and assures her she is safe to leave.

    Here’s a study about how false claims of crimes hurt the cases of, and empathy for, real victims of crimes. Similarly there are real anti-Semites out there, and there are true cases of racially motivated aggression against Jews. However, such obvious attempts to invent anti-Semitism is “crying wolf” and damages the credibility of genuine allegations by making it easier to believe it’s made up. The people trying to manufacture the situations they claim to fear need to examine their commitment to truth and the harmful impact of their obvious deception. On the protesters side, it’s good they are booing and otherwise publicly rejecting anyone who steps over the line into hatred (whether genuinely or as a false flag). That’s something they absolutely must stick to in order for the protests to stay ethical and also to avoid being discredited as racist.

      6 months ago

      The holocaust survivor demonstrators, against the genocide in Palestine. Ooof. Thank you for posting this. I may link to this comment.

        6 months ago

        It’s worth pointing out, I think, that TalkTV is Rupert Murdoch’s latest outing, and is owned by his News Corp, which also owns The S*n and The Times. It’s no surprise it’s awful.

      6 months ago

      Don’t forget the Jewish student who is being paraded around mainstream news outlets after allegedly being “stabbed in the eye” at a protest.

      Oddly enough, the video of the actual incident rarely seems to be played on air during her segments. I wonder why 🤔