UK Labour are too Tory for me.
I’ve threatened that they’ve lost my vote. (edit)
On LGBTQIA, specifically trans rights.
On their plans for the NHS.
On their plans for health and wealth inequalities in the UK.
On their plans for the relationship the UK has with Europe.
They have to be less Tory to get my vote back.
It’s not acceptable that to not vote Tory, we have to settle for what they offer. They assume their position is acceptable.
If they correct their position, I’ll reconsider

    1 year ago

    How have you told Labour? Are you organised? Apologies if you’ve already answered this elsewhere in the thread and I’ve missed it.

    Under FPTP, the vote on the right (Tory Party) has an advantage because the vote on the left is more split (Labour, Lib Dem, Green). I appreciate that independents and other parties exist (eg this thing called Reform on the right) or are being considered (have posted separately).

    In my area it’s a two horse race. I’m sure that’s the case in many areas.

    Depending on the voting patterns and margin in your area, FPTP may allow them to call your bluff. If over the course of the next year your area begins to poll as marginal, you may find you have more clout.

    It’s so unfair. But it’s how it works right now. PR can’t come soon enough. I’m saddened that it seems a long way off at this time.

    I’ll be voting though. It’s not put me off.