Perimeter originally released back in 2004, and it's set to make a return from developer K-D Lab with the PERIMETER: Legate Edition. It's also open source!
Have a funny memory with this game. Got it for Christmas, played a bit, showed it to my brother and we played a game against each other.
A hour later I come trumphant into my brothers room: “I won!” “No, I am winning! See?” And indeed he was.
The game had somehow lost synchronisation, but it transferred just enough to let each player seem alive to the other one. Two happy players that day :)
Have a funny memory with this game. Got it for Christmas, played a bit, showed it to my brother and we played a game against each other.
A hour later I come trumphant into my brothers room: “I won!” “No, I am winning! See?” And indeed he was.
The game had somehow lost synchronisation, but it transferred just enough to let each player seem alive to the other one. Two happy players that day :)