I dyed my own hair (when I had hair…😳) once whilst camping in a national park, used a whole can of sun-in. I didn’t go into town for about a week, and when I did, I legit did a spit-take when I saw my reflection in a shopfront window. On reflection, I didn’t need the whole can.
I dyed my own hair (when I had hair…😳) once whilst camping in a national park, used a whole can of sun-in. I didn’t go into town for about a week, and when I did, I legit did a spit-take when I saw my reflection in a shopfront window. On reflection, I didn’t need the whole can.
@calhoon2005 @CEOofmyhouse56 I bleached my hair in high school once. It turned out okay, but was a real pain to do.
How’d yours turn out?