Transcription: An image of a face with an unamused expression looking down through a gap in some clouds. The caption says “When your ancestor looks down from the heavens seeing you crying becaue a character from a moving drawing died”

    1 year ago

    “Ahh, this sight reminds me of when Cousin Sowkje decided to commemorate the winter solstice by creating a ‘gift for everyone to pass down for generations’. Sowkje had procured some ochre, and nobody knew his intent with this ochre, but for months he would enter the Great Cave with it every day at noon, and he would only reemerge from the cave many hours later. Finally, on the day of the winter solstice, Sowkje led us to the Great Cave and struck his torch to reveal that he had been painting scenes from our clan’s great epic all over the walls of the Great Cave. Cousin Sowkje showed us how his cave paintings would appear to move with the flicker of the torch flame, and for us this was practically magic, and so immersive that I myself cried when Retap-Sotokra held a dying Undiqesh in his arms… But compared to the forms of storytelling now available to our descendant here, who lives in such a time of great abundance that he can hear the epics of foreign nations, our moving cave paintings seem crude in comparison!”