Last year, the CEO of messaging app IRL repeatedly said it had 20 million monthly active users, who chatted about shared interests and planned real-world events together. Today, a spokesperson for the startup said an investigation by the board of directors concluded 95% of those users were “ ...
If there are already articles proclaiming that user traffic is back to normal, I’d be surprised if this wasn’t already the case at Reddit. Lots of subs I’ve been at have had wonky traffic and subscriptions behavior that looked like bots.
Reddit sells ads. They do this by convincing advertisers that access to their traffic is worth money. They’d be crazy not to cheat their metics, if it’s possible to do so.
If there are already articles proclaiming that user traffic is back to normal, I’d be surprised if this wasn’t already the case at Reddit. Lots of subs I’ve been at have had wonky traffic and subscriptions behavior that looked like bots.
Reddit sells ads. They do this by convincing advertisers that access to their traffic is worth money. They’d be crazy not to cheat their metics, if it’s possible to do so.