There are Christians and Muslims who denounce mysticism as being dangerous while there have also been Christian and Muslim mystics. Transformatsiya is a fictional religion created from the influence of Judaism, Christianity and Islam and was formed through mysticism and contact with the spiritual being Tanisha who revealed previous religious teachings to the early followers. Part of the religious teachings include how to safely understand the influence of the spirit world.

Under the religious Zakon Law, mysticism and occult rituals are restricted to sanctioned mystics because ignorant exploration of the spirit world is incredibly dangerous and is likely to lead to demonic possession or influence.

Unsanctioned mysticism is punished by mandatory intervention from social workers of the PKVD, court order to see a psychiatrist who is a sanctioned mystic, or in extreme cases confinement to a mental hospital where they would receive spiritual guidance.

All the prophets up to Tanisha (who is a spirit) are considered mystics who received divine revelations from God or his messengers through the spirit world.

  • HobbitFoot
    7 months ago

    I’m going to flip the question on its head and ask something else, how closely does the religion of your world describe how your world works? Most religions were developed on the dual idea of trying to explain how everything worked and how to justify the desired political order.

    A lot of mysticism is generally fought against by organized religion since it allows for multiple sources of divinity, which is something that a singular organization may want to fight. You may also have people fighting against mysticism as out of date folk knowledge.

    It sounds like the world you’re describing is that the religion accurately reflects the world, with mystics acting as scientists and engineers operating beyond the law. It would be akin to some random person in modern society working with radioactive or disease research.