Saw this a lot on Reddit. Its not specific to here, just trying to gauge how people think. I’d see people posting about how “X said this! Have you seen what else they said in their site history?” And a stream of votebombing would happen.
I also wonder if this behaviour went the other way. Bias was confirmed, so profiles get a little boost? There are sites that hide posts and comments after a certain number of downvotes, but these always seemed to get the engagement even after.
Post history can be a useful tool to help determine if someone’s asking questions in bad faith
Or if you aren’t sure if someone is being sarcastic and forgot the /s.
I’ve also used it to try to find out what country someone was in when relevant to the discuss (ie, they’re talking about relevant laws in whatever jurisdiction they’re in)
Haha, many a time I’ve rescinded an up or down vote when I realised the comment was or wasn’t being satirical
This right here. I won’t go downvote/upvote their other comments, but I will get a vibe for the person themselves. Usually when I think someone is arguing in bad faith, I’ll check their comments to see if they’re just a troll or simply someone I’m disagreeing with. If they appear to conduct themselves in good faith in general, then instead of dismissing them as a troll, I’ll actually engage and try to learn more from their perspective. If it’s just a troll though, it’s pointless, so I’ll downvote the original comment and move on.
True, but doesnt really establish how others react around them.