I remember reading an article where the government and Google were able to read notifications and record them from every android device. I wonder if Graphene might have patched this problem, and if not, do they have any plans to do so?


  • Skull giver@popplesburger.hilciferous.nl
    6 months ago

    Graphene can’t fix the apps you install. Their data is being intercepted outside of your phone.

    Some apps will encrypt their messages, so Google and anyone listening in can’t use decode the message. Others basically send a “check for new messages” signal rather than the actual message, which then has the app reach out to the online service and fetch the message directly before displaying a notification. Either approach minimises metadata collection, so if your apps are using these methods you should be fine.

    If your apps are directly sending message contents unencrypted, you’re screwed. Your only option would be to find another app or to not use Google’s messaging system, breaking notifications in many apps and adding more battery drain to the ones that so still support notifications.