Russia’s Wagner mercenary group founder, Yevgeny Prigozhin, has said the Kremlin’s justifications for invading Ukraine were based on lies.

    1 year ago

    Sorry if thats how it came across.

    I realize this guy is just another warlord, trying to save his own ass, but the people around him and below him are just people who don’t want to die, but need some kind of reassurance, even if its based on a bad person doing self serving things, sometimes that’s all it takes in a situation that sucks, to tip a domino. One potential opening.

    I’m not really sure how to unromanticize life tbh. We’re talking about based human nature here. Whether you like to admit it or not, is largely dictated by emotions. It could go any number of ways.

    I am not there.

      1 year ago

      Again, do some research on Wagner. They are capital E Evil with a few Heil Hitlers thrown in for good measure.

      This isn’t like the Azov Battalion where there were a LOT of evil mother fuckers but there had been a slow effort to get rid of them in the years leading up to the war. Wagner cultivates that evil white supremacist mindset and Russia/Putin specifically created them to engage in horrific crimes.

      Again, think of this less as heroic soldiers having enough. Think of it more as a neo nazi and his goons are pretty much the only well equipped soldiers in the entire country and the national guard are just keeping their heads down… to avoid having them crushed with a sledgehammer in a ritualistic execution.

      I am downright GIDDY that putin is probably going to be dead within the next week or two. Few people on this planet have earned the kind of vile torture that Wagner is known for, but Putin is probably one of them. I am downright terrified that Prigozhin and his neonazi fucks are going to be a nuclear power.

      Because yes. This is “human nature”. But once you get past the movies, you rapidly learn that there are very few armed uprisings that were a long term good. And the ones that were tend to be more about selling a dispute between two claimants to a throne where the victor CLEARLY had the will of the people behind them. Because dying cold and alone in a trench without even a blanket is hell. But the people who tend to find ways to weaponize that resentment into a coup? They are almost never who you want to have on the throne.

      To riff on Dril a bit: By no means whatsoever do you need to hand it to Wagner.