We are pleased to announce that Tardis Wiki has forked from Fandom. This means that we have a new website (https://tardis.wiki), separate from Fandom, but with all of the same articles and content that already exists. Being self-hosted will put us beyond the reach of Fandom's increasingly authoritarian tendencies when it comes to forcing undesired features and design changes on communities. Moreover, forking from Fandom gives us editors more control over the features the Wiki has enabled, and will mean less adverts and other intrusive elements for our readers! In fact, as we launch, we will be completely ad-free — and will aim to stay that way, subject to donations.
It’d be nice to see Memory Alpha make the same move…
I’m glad to see this. When I was playing Baldur’s Gate 3, it took me a while to discover https://bg3.wiki rather than the previous dominant one, which was fextralife. I played the game quite early, so there were a lot of information gaps, and having somewhere that wasn’t an ad filled nightmare to consult motivated me to help fill some of those gaps, because it felt like a community space more than a product.
This extension auto redirects from fandom and fextralife to the equivalent indie Wiki! Never visit a horrid corporate wiki ever again! (unless you’re a monster hunter fan like me ;_;)
I’m glad to see this. When I was playing Baldur’s Gate 3, it took me a while to discover https://bg3.wiki rather than the previous dominant one, which was fextralife. I played the game quite early, so there were a lot of information gaps, and having somewhere that wasn’t an ad filled nightmare to consult motivated me to help fill some of those gaps, because it felt like a community space more than a product.
Indie Wiki Buddy!
This extension auto redirects from fandom and fextralife to the equivalent indie Wiki! Never visit a horrid corporate wiki ever again! (unless you’re a monster hunter fan like me ;_;)