Looking for some hidden gems

  • PM_Your_Nudes_Please@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    Lock Picking Lawyer - You’ll quickly realize that locks only keep honest people honest. I even got my own set of practice picks to play around with.
    Deviant Ollam - A professional penetration tester, whose job is to infiltrate secure facilities and tell them how to improve their security. He takes LPL’s expertise, and puts it into practice. Start with his “I’ll let myself in” talk.
    Veritasium - Dude talks at a camera about some niche science and tech concepts.
    Technology Connections - Charmingly dorky dude in an t-shirt and blazer explains how everyday items work. Everything from air conditioners to jukeboxes and coffee makers. He’s a big part of why I’m not afraid to troubleshoot my own appliances.
    Primitive Technology - Dude goes out into the middle of a forest and builds stuff with nothing but handmade tools. Turn on closed captioning!
    Macho Nacho Productions - Retro console modding and emulation, featuring installs and reviews for some of the most popular mods and emulation tools.
    Pirate Software - Former Blizzard/Amazon game dev is making his own indie game. There’s also a healthy dose of offensive digital security sprinkled throughout, because he’s also a greyhat hacker.
    Practical Engineering - An engineer explains and demonstrates all kinds of engineering concepts, in a simple and easy to follow format. You’ll start seeing examples of his concepts all around you.