• TheShadowKnows@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Scientist: Develops theoretical plan to offset a single aspect of multidimensional issue. Acknowledges issue of impractically due to current shuttle launch load restraints.

    News media: scientist proposes solution to everything! (Does not provide study link)

    Lemming: What you propose isn’t a complete solution for every ecological, social, and economic issue related to climate change! You are hearby banished to the Phantom Zone!

    Climate change isn’t going to be solved by one unified theory that dictates a plan that everyone simply jumps onboard with. Human society is reactionary in almost 100% of the time. Even then it is slow to move. Things are going to get much harder before anything truly changes in that respect. The only outliers are scientists and the possibility that they develop solutions which overcome societies trend towards its own mutilation. Antibiotics, unleaded gas, splitting the atom, were all developed by groups of scientists that churned through hundreds of shaky theories before they hit on the right ones. This Doctor might not have the best plan now, but he may be a part of a group that develops the solutions that keep use from death climate crisis.