• mods_are_assholes@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    ^This attitude is exactly what crippled open source, good job playing into Apple and Microshit’s hands.

    The more effort a user has to put in to use a tool, especially when other, easier and functional tools exist, the less likely that user is going to adopt that tool as part of their daily use.

    The only barrier here is not wanting to pay AND not wanting to learn or read instructions.

    This is a false dichotomy, there are plenty of free and good open source tools that don’t need 20 hours of manual plundering to install.

    The Gimp is a great example of this, super easy to install right out the box for even non-technical people, is open source, doesn’t cost a cent.

    The simple truth is devs that share your attitude are too lazy to complete their projects so they get it to 80% and expect the end user to finish the rest.

    Do you think that is winning you any adherents? But please, keep proving my claims of linux elitism so blatantly, it makes my job so much easier.

    • magic_lobster_party@kbin.social
      7 months ago

      It’s not about elitism. It’s because most developers don’t want to spend that time on the extra maintenance and QA to ensure it’s working flawlessly for the end user.

      Most FOSS are just things people initially wanted for themselves, so they developed it in their spare time. Then they thought it might be neat to share the code in case someone else might find use in it, so they uploaded their work to GitHub.

      If you want an exe you can always contribute to the project, or at least make a fork.

    • 520@kbin.social
      7 months ago

      This is not a standard tool. This is an offensive security (aka hacking tool).

      The hacking community does not want people like the one in the post.

        • 520@kbin.social
          7 months ago

          There is one core difference. In regular open source projects, lack of layman accessibility is considered a bug.

          For offensive security tools such as in OP’s post, it simply isn’t a consideration because the audience for these tools are not laymen, therefore they aren’t designed with laymen in mind.

          In fact there’s something of an incentive to keep laymen out because people just hitting random buttons without serious consideration of what they are doing can land people in jail.

          They’re designed with the offensive security community in mind, of which even the most rookie members think nothing of firing up terminal and entering some nifty commands.

            • 520@kbin.social
              7 months ago

              Sherlock is an Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) tool. It is specifically made to gather information on a target, which is always step 1 of an attack.

              We can agree to disagree on whether it constitutes an attack tool, however it is clearly made with red teamers in mind.

              • mods_are_assholes@lemmy.world
                7 months ago

                So I guess ping is a hacking tool now too huh?

                There isn’t a fuckdamn single drop of intellectual honesty in any of these comments.

                • 520@kbin.social
                  7 months ago

                  So I guess ping is a hacking tool now too huh?

                  Does ping have the potential to lead you almost directly to a potential attack path? Because Sherlock can.

                  There isn’t a fuckdamn single drop of intellectual honesty in any of these comments.

                  Well what the fuck would I know? I’ve only been a pentester/red teamer for 8 fucking years.

                  Hey, wanna know what’s by far the most useful tool in a red teamer/attacker’s arsenal?

                  A fucking notepad!

                  Because the process isn’t about tapping a few fucking buttons and you’ve hacked into the mainframe. You gather information. You make links. You poke and prod at stuff. You try to keep a low profile while you also try to figure out where your objective is. Then, and only then, you make a final plan and go for the objective.

    • cm0002@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      The Gimp is a great example of this, super easy to install right out the box for even non-technical people, is open source, doesn’t cost a cent.

      No, it’s not, GIMP has funding, resources and a fucking company behind it lmao and on top of that it’s intended to be an end-user tool

      Not all open source projects are the same, many are just things people work on in their free time and are kind enough to share, many aren’t intended (like this one) for end users at all. They’re meant for people who know what they’re doing (which it’s quite evident you don’t)

      If you want to know who is actually harming the open source community look in a mirror, it’s people like you who whine and bitch about “Meah InstAllers MeH uSEr ExpErIenCe” that makes devs not want to contribute

      • mods_are_assholes@lemmy.world
        7 months ago

        No, it’s not, GIMP has funding,

        That contradicts zero statements I have made, it is still super easy to install, doesn’t cost the user a cent, and is open source.

        Maybe the world would be a better place of more open source projects had funding.

        that makes devs not want to contribute

        If money is so important to them then maybe they should choose not to be open source devs?

        If you cannot adhere to the philosophy then don’t complain when people call you out on it.

        it’s people like you

        It’s people like me that have chosen not to go the open source route due to the difficulty, that is our choice and is the worldwide average choice as hardly anyone ever bothers to deal with all the byzantine bullshit that arrogant elitists like yourself are just giddy over expressing.

        Open Source has failed its original goals due to elitist devs putting up artificial hurdles to general adoption, you don’t get to complain about adoption if you actively narrow your market segment to people who have the time and experience to fix your broken shit before they use it.

        • cm0002@lemmy.world
          7 months ago

          Lmao, just because something is open source doesn’t mean the devs are expecting a return. You talk about market segments, adoption rates and funding like that’s the only goal someone has for sharing their project

          You expect someone who put something on GitHub, for free, for everyone, worked on with their spare time because they had a passion for it to have it 100% ready to ship to production complete with an installer and a GUI? Nah, you’re the elitist asshole, you should order more than one mirror.

          That contradicts zero statements I have made, it is still super easy to install, doesn’t cost the user a cent, and is open source

          Yes it does, they have the funding and resources to pay someone to handle the easy installer and user experience, they have teams of people to handle the issues.

          If money is so important to them then maybe they should choose not to be open source devs?

          If you cannot adhere to the philosophy then don’t complain when people call you out on it.

          LMFAO it’s not about the money, it’s time and effort, for one or 2 people maintaining a project they shared and work on in their free time that’s in short supply.

          If you have your panties in such a twist over “User Experience” it’s open source, make your own damn contributions. Contribute an installer then, contribute some infrastructure for a website to have your fancy download button. You talk of open source philosophy, but then instead of contributing to making a project’s user experience better, you just bitch about it instead.

    • MotoAsh@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      You don’t know what you’re talking about, simple as.

      This is a python tool. It will never be compiled for you. Ever. It’s literally not compiled. Get over it.

      This post was perfectly made to trigger all the morons who don’t know the first thing about coding… getting upset you’re looking at source code… in a repository…

      If you’re upset at seeing source code, GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE REPO!!