Switch to Linux!
From Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Windows11/comments/1as1yjk/microsoft_in_their_infinite_wisdom_has_replaced/
Switch to Linux!
From Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Windows11/comments/1as1yjk/microsoft_in_their_infinite_wisdom_has_replaced/
Linux isn’t a solution if you play competitive multiplayer games, which most people do.
I’m upvoting you because I know what you’re trying to say. Personally I don’t have a lot of time to game anymore but I vote with my wallet and I try to only buy games on steam that are linux native. I have found a lot of great indy games this way and I don’t feel like I’m “missing out”. Still, I get it.
What??? Do you have a statistic on this like does most of the population of earth play call of street fortnite 20 or whatever “competitively”?
I think you are confusing “professionally” and “competitively”. Anyone playing to win is being competitive.
I don’t think that many people even play video games nevermind online ones nevermind competitive ones
Like 41% which is more than I expected but only a tiny fraction of those use PCs
Is now permanently in my lexicon.
Fair, but also depends on which one’s.
~40-45% of them do actually work.
I am not sure if most people play competitive multiplayer games
“most people” = “most teens”. I don’t know any adult that plays competitive multiplayer games other than maybe CSGO.
there are 3 billion people playing videogames, most of them playing casual af shit like candy crush (https://explodingtopics.com/blog/number-of-gamers).
About “competitive” multiplayer games: have you tried proton? I myself was sticking with Windows untill i eventually tried it.
Linux is not a solution if you have a skill issue. The longer people have this kind of mindset you have, the longer Microsoft will pretend to be a monopolist, the longer they will behave like total shitheads towards their customers.
Lol yeah “most people” definitely do not play competitive multiplayer games. Are the other children in your friend group literally the only other humans you’ve ever met?