Not sure if cloud hosted VMs count as selfhosted for the purposes of this community, but I run a lot of services at the house and want to have a few services that require high availability run in a cloud external to my home. Specifically, I want to run Vaultwarden, an email server and a VPN. My question is one of recommendations. Which cloud service provides the best uptime/stability and is ethical enough for consideration?

The ethics of some of these larger companies are no small part of the reason I chose to self host the majority(hopefully all soon) of the services that I use. So for instance Amazon and Microsoft are out. I currently use DigitalOcean for Vaultwarden, Zoho for domain email, and Nord for my VPN.

  • The Stoned
    7 months ago

    Chiming in as another email self hoster; yes it comes with headaches but I can’t imagine it any other way. I use Mailinabox but am working on migrating over to the ISPMail setup. I don’t think that there’s any issues with self hosting mail and we need to stop discouraging it. There AIO solutions genuinely work well. If you’re concerned about stability then hold updates back until you can confirm that the newer versions are stable. Yes it is difficult and I don’t think most people should do it, but self hosters should be encouraged to do so if they feel capable and willing to take on the workload. We need more diversity in email hosting to prevent making it impossible. I also have no issues sending to large providers like gmail and the builtin nextcloud Integra is really nice. Unsure I’ll rebuild nextcloud but i might.