I had an apartment and then a new neighbor moved in next door. She put her dog in a cage that was in her bedroom closet. That bedroom closet was on the wall opposite my headboard side of my bed. Of course, when she went to work that dog would bark all day. I attempted to complain to the apartment manager but guess what happened? Nothing happened because that apartment manager also had a dog that she put in a cage and kept in her apartment while she was away.

In a different apartment I was on the ground floor. There was a lady above me who would let her dog do its business on her concrete patio which was above mine and then she would sweep it over the edge until my patio below looked like a minefield of dog turds.

Dogs need yards and should not be locked up in a cage or in an apartment nor should their barking invade the space of others.

If you own a dog, live in an apartment, and the noise from that dog’s barking is inside the apartments of your neighbors then you are a shitty inconsiderate person!

  • corsicanguppy@lemmy.ca
    7 months ago

    As one of the newer “pet friendly” apartments, 2/3 of the units here have a dog or two.

    The reality is different from your summary there, for the vast majority. We all worry for the dog in '08 whose people never seem to take him out, but the rest of us are pretty cool.

    Even in the elevator it can be chill and calm with like 3 dogs in a small box.

    About 170 units in this place. That’s a lotta dogs.