bit busy this week, so the thread is late

    7 months ago

    Well let’s see. During the course of last week, what at first felt like a harmless though persistent cold grew into an acute inflammation of pretty much everything from my ears down to my bronchia. But I have antibiotics now and the doctor and I have had an interesting chat about the state of Switzerland’s various healthcare systems, so there’s that.

    There was a prolonged internet outage at the place the kids were scheduled to stay (they alternate between their father’s house, our nearby apartment and in one case a student flat-share), which may or may not have helped them decide that they want to spend the weekend with us at our house which is further away from them (but has rock-solid fiber internet), which was nice. I enjoy this quality family time and am very happy that they feel at home in this house, even though ‘feeling at home’ in their case means they spend most of their time in their room surfing social media or watching TV. We still get to spend enough time together that I’m thankful for a couple of days low on teenage drama afterwards.

    It’s spring weather here and we’re enjoying the sun until the inevitable return of winter sometime in March. I’m looking forward to when my ears stop hurting in a couple of days so I can go outside again and get myself some freshly made vitamin D.