Trump’s legal team also tried to throw cold water on the idea in a filing earlier this week, writing that the “events of January 6 were not an ‘insurrection’ as they did not involve an organized attempt to overthrow or resist the U.S. government.”

Trump disagrees, apparently.

“They kept saying about what I said right after the insurrection,” he said outside Mar-a-Lago after arguments concluded in Washington, D.C. “I think it was an insurrection caused by Nancy Pelosi.

    7 months ago

    I don’t even understand why this is a issue of contention. The states already have complete, constitutionally granted controlnof how they run their elections, including who is allowed to be on the ballot, that generally being the pervue of the individual Secretarys of State, but each state has its own rules on it.

    It was laid out this way to dissuade federal interference and potential corruption.

    I’m with you, this is theatrics, stalling.

    And Idk about you but the inability of our elected to enforce our law really makes me lose my last two shits about the law. Justice delayed is justice denied. when peaceful means of justice are out of reach, then violent ones are not only inevitable, but logical.

    If you can’t be famous, you can ALWAYS be infamous.