Sacrifices must be made. At least your chip isn’t burning.
Actually the limit on rotational velocity would be defined by the fan radius. Eg, if the fan diameter is larger than 1m, the tip of the blade will be going faster than 5.7% the speed of light.
School computers: Pathetic
Well its working so well that it dosen’t just cool your CPU it also cools your entire computer so well that your GPU is at 0°C (32°F).
This looks suspiciously like unsigned int rollover.
I think the air star’s becoming hot again.
Showed it to my partner, they said its probably rotations per month
A fan diameter of 7.6cm. Nice.
rot_speed = 4294967296 rpm
c = 299792458 m/s
prop_speed_of_light = 0.057
tip_speed_actual = c * prop_speed_of_light
radius = tip_speed_actual / (rot_speed)(60 sec/1 min)(2π)
radius ≈ 11 µm