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    7 months ago

    Varening! Ring of Death Detected

    • Brush: Stirling Soap Co. Zenith Boar Brush 31mm × 50mm
    • Razor: Dovo 41 Inox
    • Lather: Stirling Soap Co. Varen
    • Aftershave: Stirling Soap Co. Mountain Man
    • Fragrance: The Scottish Fine Soaps Company – Vetiver & Sandalwood
    • Talc: Pinaud Clubman Finest Powder

    Now I am becoming Death, the latherer of soaps. For the first time since joining the hobby, I have achieved a ring of death in a Stirling tub:

    and that calls for some stats: This was the 49th use of Varen, or 4% of all my documented shaves (1282), or 35% of all my documented shaves with Stirling lather (139). Because the first 6 were from a sample, this ring of death appeared after 43 uses.

    Before you say that this sounds quick, 33 of those uses were with the big MOAR BOAR and 2 with this equally big boar brush, 5 were with other 28 mm boar knots, and one with a 28 mm DG B3 knot, so this tub sustained 41 of its 43 uses from what could be considered unreasonably saponiphageous brushes.

    Even hidden between Varen and Vetiver, Mountain Man was still present enough to get me a compliment from the wife. I think this seals it and should go and buy a bottle of Silver Mountain Water.

    Happy Friday, all!