• Bongo_Stryker@lemmy.ca
    9 months ago

    What’s happening here is a derailment of any discussion about sensible border policy, and a distraction from the failure of the border wall plan that a certain republican repeatedly claimed Mexico would pay for (that Mexico never actually paid for), by means of attacking ideological opponents with specious accusations.

    The pattern of manipulative behavior used by abusive people has an acronym: DARVO: deny, attack, reverse victim and offender. So it goes like this: republicans aren’t racist, democrats are the real racists. Republicans were just trying to protect America from a lot of bad hombres but dems are welcoming in illegals to exploit them for cheap labor and votes.

    I see loud and accusatory distractions from the fact that the $15 billion border wall is regularly defeated by $5 ladders. I see rhetorical diversions around the fact that republicans regularly fly pro-slavery insurrectionist confederate battle flags. I see a strange fascination with the racist democrats of the 1800’s, meanwhile in 2024 senator Tuberville® claims white nationalists are not racists and Rep Crane® refers to African Americans as “colored people” during an anti-woke tirade.

    And in the accusation about democrats wanting illegals for cheap labor, "like slaves"as is suggested, never will there ever be any acknowledgement of the decades long republican effort of a race-to-the-bottom erosion of workers rights and devaluation of labor in this country.

    Are the democrats so great? No, they are very terrible. The other side is also bad, and is gas-lighteningly evasive and downright dishonest about the part they had to play in creating the current situation.