Star Wars was influenced by a lot of things. Lucas has talked extensively about where the ideas came from.
And quite a bit of inspiration came from Kurosawa’s movie Kakushi-toride no san-akunin.
Literally all movies were influenced by the Vietnam War in that era. That’s like saying 2000s and 2010s movies are influenced by the Middle East Wars.
Influenced, yes, but it’s also important to keep in mind that Lucas was working with a lot of influences, including some that make no sense if viewed as a cohesive allegory. For instance, the power relationship of the Rebels to the Empire has parallels of the Viet Cong to the US military. In a cut scene, though, Biggs specifically (and tediously, hence the cut) cites the Empire’s nationalization of private industry as influencing his decision to join the Rebels.
Lucas has always been a well-meaning, left-leaning, white American boomer. He includes relevant ideas based off that worldview in his work, but he’s not making grand political statements or really even engaging with political thought in a serious manner. Star Wars is probably more timeless and better for it.
You should listen to the Rest is History podcast episode 412: Romans in Space: Star Wars, Dune, and Beyond