• mods_are_assholes@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    All we would need is 3 days of a general strike with at least 10% participation.

    But unfortunately there are several factors that prevent this, some human nature, some deliberately manufactured.

    1. Almost no one I know can afford missing a week’s worth of work: This is manufactured with stagflation and at-will work laws

    2. The rich inflaming radical partisanship with traditional and social media to distract from who the real enemy is, reducing social cooperation

    3. American culture has become largely an ‘observer culture’, where the world is treated as a thing to passively watch while feeling disconnected, this is probably the worst contributor.

    So many of the labor movement gains our forefathers bled and died for have been trampled by an owner class hell bent on recapitulating european nobility on American soil and they have been WILDLY successful the last 30 years.

    Either we organize a general strike, or there will be food riots within a decade.