So I have been trying to make my own tortillas. I’ll found a recipe online that was flour, water, oil, and salt that seemed decent but wasn’t very good. I essentially made tortilla shaped crackers. I’m high altitude, but with nothing rising I’m not sure that matters? Anyone have a good recipe they can share? I’m kinda going for authentic styles that you would get at a taco shop.


    8 months ago

    Can you share the recipe you are using?

    I make tortillas almost every week and use flour, salt, baking powder, vegetable oil and warm water. The thing with tortillas though is that you have to go by feel. I hand knead the dough and have to know when to add more oil, water, or flour based on the consistency of the dough. It’s something you learn with trial and error.

    There’s also an old wives tale that says your tortillas will never turn out properly if you are in a bad mood when you make them!

  • pooberbee (any)
    8 months ago

    Sounds like they might be drying out, maybe while they’re waiting to be cooked. You can keep them under a moist towel while waiting if that’s the issue. They might also be cooking too long. I don’t have a great sense of what doneness looks like for tortillas, but I imagine knowledge mostly comes from experience.

    Post pictures when you get a good batch!