“A Gen Xer playing a song for millenials which Gen Z can relate too. For all you young whipper snappers reading this, yes the kids haven’t been alright for a long time now.” - @JCGver

  • zelifcam@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    things aren’t exactly the same

    You’re right. In the US, older millennials graduated high school, learned about a town in Colorado they’ve never heard before, watched the towers fall and then said goodbye to some of their friends as they were getting shipped overseas to fight a war in the Middle East. The drug war not only destroyed young people’s lives, but entire generations of families in order to fill all the new for profit prisons. Also remember something about boomers getting shipped off to a jungle somewhere before that. For a while there kids getting killed trying to go to college with people that have different color skin. A couple world size wars for the generation before that fundamentally changed society in countries all around the world due to lack of men. Also a while there, people were living in a time period without money or food called the “Great Depression”

    Today, we have generation of people who are not being allowed to own things, by design. Absolutely insane amount of gun violence, along with so many other issues. It’s not fair and a complete mess.

    It’s not necessarily “continuing” to get worse. What’s continued is reality of all of us still getting screwed.

    History is a warning, not a pissing contest. I’m sorry and wish everyone the best.