• Muyal_Hix@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    As someone from Latin-America, I think this happens for a number of reasons, including:

    1. The legacy of colonialism: The spanish caste system left a strong imprint on latin american culture tha hasn’t disappeared yet. This basically boils down to: Ligth skin good, dark skin bad. T

    2. Right-wing propaganda through the internet: The terms “SJW”, “Woke” “Forced diversity” and whatnot have become very widespread in the hispanic internet. You can go to any hispanic forum and you will find people complainig about “wokies ruinning their videogames/movies, etc”

    3. US-backed anti-socialist propaganda: The US pretty much killed all leftist movements in Hispanic-america during their infancy. When it didn’t kill them, it still acted with hostility towards them. On the contrary, far-right movements were tolerated if not supported directly. This has created the perfect environment for the far-right to prosper.

    There are probably other reasons, but these are almos certainly involved