I have subscribed to a bunch of communities, some more active than other. It seems the front page, with all subscribed community appears qorted by active/hot, only show a few of the most active communities, making other less active ones not appear here, even yhought there are content posted. (mostly visible with !news@beehaw.org and !technology@beehaw.org).

I there a way to somehow reduce the ranking of these communities so more niche content have more chance to appear in the front page?


  • surrendertogravity@wayfarershaven.eu
    1 year ago

    There are some bug reports around the Hot view not refreshing; this should hopefully be fixed once 0.18 is released and installed on your instance.

    For now, I’d recommend using a different sort view; “New” is good if you want to see really fresh stuff and be a first contributor to discussion, and “Top Day” is good to see posts with more discussion. (also, there’s a web UI bug where a lot of posts get added all at once whenever anyone on your instance subscribes to a new community; I refresh the page whenever that happens.)