It’s time for the annual “look how much weight I gained over the holidays 😞”, and New Year’s resolution to lose weight. Does anyone use a food and exercise tracker app on their Android device? How is your experience with it?

    9 months ago
    • Chronometer for food intake
    • Jefit for workout sessions
    • Strava for bike & hike (plus Polar hardware)
    • Fit companion for better charts and entering my weight
    • Fitbit for step tracking

    I don’t track my food too heavily, I go for my macros and see where I’m at, tracking for a few weeks, then don’t bother for several months. Usually just as kind of a check-in with myself.

    Jefit I use every workout session, I’ve tried a ton of apps but it’s my preferred. Some stuff it doesn’t do (like doing a weight + time tracking for weighted carries) but I work around that by setting a ‘rep’ as equaling 10s. Works great, lots of options without paying for any subscription, but the subscription has some benefits like swapping exercises during a session.

    Edit: Formatting got goofy for some reason. Will retest later with connect.