• The article is about finding Australia’s favorite animal sound.
  • Only male whales sing, while females make other noises.
  • Various Australian animals, such as sulphur-crested cockatoos and Tasmanian devils, have unique sounds.
  • The search for Australia’s favorite animal sound is part of National Science Week.
  • The winning sound will be announced in a live blog on August 18.
  • 𝚝𝚛𝚔@aussie.zone
    1 year ago

    Bit of an outrage that Noisy Friarbirds aren’t on the list - guess they aren’t native enough given they’re also in Papua New Guinea. I love those guys.

    Had to vote for the Butcher Bird, Magpie, and the Banjo Frog. We get the banjos around our place and they really do sound like a banjo playing when there’s a few of them on the go. Very Deliverance.