Since MOSFETs have a gate capacitance you’d want to limit the inrush of current from the output of a microcontroller to prevent it from getting damaged prematurely. That’s what gate resistors are usually good for.

Another thing is that most MOSFETs don’t fully activate with a gate voltage below 10V (n type) so usually a microcontroller pin isn’t good enough for switching large loads.

I have a 24V system and have made a voltage divider using two 10k resistors to step down 24V to 12V as gate driving voltage which is pulled down with a weaker MOSFET. The power MOSFET essentially ends up with a 10k gate resistor this way meaning it will take a bit longer to fully saturate.

Is too high harmful? In this situation the load is a heater that activates when the room temperature drops below 18C and deactivates when it gets above 22C so fast switching is not an issue.

    10 months ago

    As long as it fully saturates i thiink it’s fine, i’ve personally only had issues with too slow switching when i switch the mosfet many times a second, or when i didn’t give a high enough voltage to fully saturate it, both of which usually led to a smoky mosfet