Mind sharing any piece of advice that you felt particularly useful? Thank you in advance. I’m so excited!

  • Pansexual_Pagan@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    I know it can be difficult, but soft voices and calming shushes do wonders for little ones. Mine was a big fan of the bouncy knee when he was upset. Also as someone from an abusive home, violence never teaches anything except fear. As they get older, explain the consequences of what they do, like if it will cause them to get hurt, or if fighting bath time will lead to less time for books at bedtime for example (time management). The key to gentle parenting is teaching consequences rather than punishment. They should always be tied to the action to be a consequence, I.e. if you do or don’t do A, then we can’t do B. Taking away D will only cause confusion and anger.

    Other than that, have patience with yourself. It’s hard being a parent and as long as you do your best, and show them love, that will be enough.