• SmolSlime@burggit.moe
      1 year ago

      Holy fuck, I’ve been reading for half an hour and I’m still at 1/3 of the whole page.

      Edit: LMAO andrew tate is also there

  • livixPmfOQRj@burggit.moe
    1 year ago

    I got kinda bummed that someone over at the exploding-heads instance was spreading bullshit about that.

    Denmark has no laws restricting loli art. Why? Because after all their studies and research they failed to prove it could actually harm real children. We’re finding similar stuff in the U.S.

    Even showing a clear case that it helps reduce child harm.

    People that prioritize drawings over art are really hurting actual victims here.

    • Disa@burggit.moeM
      1 year ago

      The person spreading those lies on exploding heads (atleast one of them) is someone who used to be on this instance and got upset when we told them not to actively try to troll/cause problems with other instances. They then left and started spreading bullshit on other instances as well as on The Hard R.

      • livixPmfOQRj@burggit.moe
        1 year ago

        It means I’m an idiot. Haha

        I meant to say something along the lines of

        “People who prioritize hunting down artists and those who download art are prolonging the real abuse and sexual exploitation of actual children.” That’s not to say it’s an active effort to, but it’s a result of misappropriating effort.

        I just woke up when I wrote that and am still tired so sorry for the typos and wording.

  • Obonga@burggit.moe
    1 year ago

    Honestly i am pretty amazed that he shows balls like this. I am very sure that many people will call him a p* because of this clip. I still think he slightly missed the point though. The reason why one should not give a damn about lolicon or people looking at is is because it does not harm anyone. Pretending like this would turn someone pedophile is like pretending that watching gay scenes will turn you gay. Spoiler: It wont (but some people probably believe this). Another talking point is how it might lead to people seeking out real children. This is the same like saying shooters or assassination games will turn you into a murderer. Most adults i know can differantiate between fiction and reality.

    TLDR: just because something is disturbing you does not mean it is harmful. If you can not actually show how something causes any harm you should not get outraged.

    Also projection is a real thing but i doubt that every outraged person is a pedophile.

    Sorry for any spelling errors, i am not a native speaker.

    • Disa@burggit.moeM
      1 year ago

      Another talking point is how it might lead to people seeking out real children. This is the same like saying shooters or assassination games will turn you into a murderer. Most adults i know can differantiate between fiction and reality.

      I have actually had debates with people who genuinely will sit there and say loli/shota/cub will lead to actual pedophiles or child sexual abuse. Then the second I bring up violent video games, they proceed to say “well that’s different!” without being able to say anything beyond “I just feel like there’s a difference between games and porn”. First off, notice how they use the word “feel” I find this is used A LOT in debates like this. It pretty much begins and ends with people feeling uncomfortable in regard to a topic, and that’s the basis their entire opinion is formed around. Not to mention the fact that they can never provide any actual arguments beyond their feelings on the matter.

      The people I admire most are the ones who I have discussed the topic with, who find it outright disgusting and concede that it isn’t hurting anyone, and it should be legal. They are able to look past their gut reaction and can actually have a reasonable debate/discussion based around logic and facts. Where their feelings might enter into it occasionally (because they’re human and it’s hard to completely isolate your feelings from a conversation) but they can look past them.