All the ingredients are there and it won’t take much to put it all together.

    10 months ago

    As best I can figure, the majority on the left are completely unaware of how dangerous things have gotten over the last few years. Unless you’re living in it, most people see it as histrionics.

    We live in the deep south in what used to be an island of relative progressiveness. I have acquaintances that joined the three percenters, know former military spouting Q shit. Lost the only man I ever called brother to the insanity. Things have CHANGED in the last few years.

    Our friend circle has shrunk and we no longer talk to our neighbors.

    We’re moving to the northeast this summer. There’s a very real chance that it won’t be safe for us here much longer.

    Like you, we’re armed and also realize that it likely won’t be enough.

    History doesn’t repeat itself, but it sure does rhyme. The smart Jews with means got the fuck out of Germany before things popped off. We can’t afford to leave the country but hopefully we’ll land somewhere safer.

    Hope nothing happens and all the worry has been for nothing. I really want to be wrong.

      10 months ago

      The left is clueless. I was there not long ago!

      They think with enough “gotchas!” and revelations of hypocrisy they can win hearts and minds. Nah. We’re miles past that. Miles past logic, truth and talking rationally.

      Things have indeed changed radically. My guess is that many liberals are missing it because they’re in their own little political bubble. Imagine trying to convince someone from Washington State or San Francisco how crazy it’s become.

      Anyway, I don’t have the money to run, and don’t wish to. I’ll stay and fight for America if it comes to that. I’m middle-aged, and have had a full life, so that’s not bravado speaking.

        10 months ago

        I have a wife, daughter, and son. My daughter is queer. My son is a teen. There isn’t a future here for them. My daughter, especially, will be in danger.

        I’ve had to cut all contact with my family.

        We’ve been saving since 2020.

        If it was just me, I’d stay.

        I pass as a bearded white guy good ol boy. The shit I hear. These people aren’t coming back. Even if nothing happens with the next election, I don’t know how they rejoin reality.

        I don’t know what happens to this country. I kind of hope there is a bloodless balkanization.