• TechNerdWizard42@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    If you honestly think you can man the cash register at McDonald’s competently with the same level and scope of training required to say design an RF frontend for cell signals or maybe remove someone’s Appendix, then you’re insane or lying to yourself.

    “Unskilled” or now “low skilled” is a defined term. It doesn’t mean a goldfish can do it, and it doesn’t mean it isn’t important. It means that any reasonable human with a modicum of training can do the job well enough to produce valued output.

    At my service jobs, I’d usually get an hour or two of training per area, and be watched for a few days or a week. Then let loose and that’s it. The guys I know that design those RF frontends not only have 4-8 years of physics and math intensive academia, but then work under senior designers for 10+ years learning and designing before leading their own project.

    If you swap the Goodburger employee with the RF Designer, the designer will learn to sling burgers. The burger dude will accomplish nothing of value and probably be a net negative.

    Nobody is saying anything of importance or requirement or paying wages. Taking a defined term and weaponizing it for a side cause makes anyone that knows what it actually means, roll their eyes and ignore the message you’re trying to convey. And in this case, it’s mostly unskilled workers trying to sound important to highly skilled workers. This means your intended audience is tuning the message out.