At this point, with the Ukraine counteroffensive against Russia thwarted, the official said, “Zelensky has no plan, except to hang on. It’s as if he’s an orphan—a poor waif in his underwear—and we have no real idea of what Zelensky and his crowd are thinking. Ukraine is the most corrupt and dumbest government in the world, outside of Nigeria, and Biden’s support of Zelensky can only come from Zelensky’s knowledge of Biden, and not just because he was taking care of Biden’s son.”


      1 year ago

      There was the recent election that was absolutely 100% definitely not rigged in any way, and all three contenders for the leadership position being listed in the Panama papers or otherwise found guilty of financial crimes.

      Gerrymandering is rampant, with states being set up based on political affiliation rather then population.

      The oil and mineral wealth of the nation, that which isn’t stolen by western corporations, is frivolously squandered by the elite.

      Ultimately Nigeria, while a beautiful country full of wonderful people, seems to me a perfect representation of all the issues with western style democracies in general.

      Chinua Achebe wrote a fascinating book about the Nigerian Civil War (the Biafran war) that very suscintly places the blame of the civil war (and the resulting later corruption problems) on deliberate actions taken by the British authorities when they “withdrew” from their former colony.