I don’t blame them. People can’t afford Bidenomics. I see people complaining all the time but elections have consequences.

I make a lot of money, so I am weathering it just fine. I am just not able to save as much as I would like.

As I said previously, I am not a fan of Trump but groceries were much cheaper under Trump. The cost of items was cheaper under Trump.

I can’t think of any way my life was worse under Trump.

  • crashfrog@lemm.ee
    10 months ago

    You’re the first person to claim that COVID was not unique.

    It’s inherently not an unusual infection in terms of its epidemiological properties, is the point. Generally it’s a pretty big deal when a novel virus spreads in humans; nobody’s immune-competent to it (how can they be, it’s new) so we’re all in for a bad time.

    But SARS-1 and MERS were novel, too.

    Specifically which illness are you talking about?

    SARS-1, MERS, H1N1 flu, H2N2 flu, H5N1 flu. Zika probably wasn’t ever going to be a pandemic because it’s arthropod-vectored and mosquitos can’t live everywhere. Ebola and Nipah virus aren’t airborne, generally, but they have particular etiologies that make them credible pandemic threats.

    COVID was highly infectious when compared to most other disease.

    Again, not in the original variant. Wuhan-1 has an R0 of only 1.5-1.8. That’s less than Ebola, that’s less than monkeypox, that’s less than SARS-1, and it’s an order of magnitude less than measles, mumps, and varicella.

    Subsequent COVID-19 variants gained substantially higher R0 values as the virus adapted to what had become its primary reservoir (humans) but that’s not something that had to happen; that was the result of the utterly incompetent public health response led by Donald Trump.

    What seems to be true is you have TDS and you will try to force the narrative to blame Trump.

    Yes, conservatives often struggle to recollect who the actual President was between 2020-2021. Sounds like maybe you have some COVID-19-related brain damage and should get that checked out.

      • crashfrog@lemm.ee
        10 months ago

        No. Ebolas is less than Covid

        Yes, of course Ebola has a lower R0 than recent COVID; respiratory infections tend to have higher R0. It’s easier to infect others when you can do it through shared air. As COVID variants became more infectious the R0 increased. But Ebola’s R0 is 1.9 compared to Wuhan-1’s 1.8.

        But COVID’s R0 was lower than other respiratory infections. My post isn’t that complicated; there’s really zero reason you should have this much trouble following it. My god, man.

        m not the one who keeps making things up that I have to correct.

        I’m correcting you in nearly every post. Your “corrections” are all things you’re imagining me saying.