Fifth time is the charm for me, but finally got a buckle at Devil Dog this weekend. Feeling pretty sore and limping around today, but overall very pleased that I managed to avoid another DNF!
Awesome, unbelievable, congratulations! I have so many questions that I could probably Google, but I’d love to hear about your experience if that’s okay. When would you eat and sleep and how do you plan that across a hundred mile course? How do you graduate from marathons to even consider a challenge like this? What goes on in your mind when you hit a wall or do you even get those at your level?
Thank you! I had a timer to eat something every 45 min, no sleep which was tough towards the end. It’s very different from a marathon, you’re going slower and it’s a lot more about keeping consistent with eating and caring for small things early. This was late in the season so cold and wet!
Oh, congratulations!!
How long did that take?
If I had to guess, it would take me 25 hours.
I mean me too but for someone who is actually trained for this I am guessing like… 12 hours would be a great time, maybe 13-14 more conservatively. Curious the actual answer now though
It’s typically a lot closer to 20 - that’s what the winning time at this race was last year.
That said, the WR for 100mi is 10:51:39 - a 6:31 pace - though that wasn’t a trail run.
I want to say that seems much more doable than I would have guessed but doable feels like an odd term to attach to 100 mile runs regardless
Unbelievable. Congratulations!