When I press on some message to forward it, it shows me Random usernames of contacts I don’t know. And it even shows some Mobile Numbers I don’t know. For example, one number starts with +964 that’s Iraq. I’m from Europe tho. These contacts and numbers are from all over the place.

Edit: This only happens on Signal Desktop. If I try to forward a message on Android it only shows my Contacts. And none of these unkown ones.

  • mintycactus@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    You may try this:
    toolbox create --image quay.io/toolbx-images/debian-toolbox:12
    toolbox enter debian-toolbox-12
    Than follow Signal instructions. You will have it installed, launch with signal-desktop. So you enter debian toolbox and launch Signal from it, that is Fedora atomic way.

    I am not telling, that is 100% better, than Flathub version, but you may try just to see if problem is still there or not. Flathub version is also built from their debian file, it should be ok, but it also may contain some issues. If I would using Signal myself I would probably use Flathub, but if I had such issues I would definitly consider trying toolbox way.