• jroid8@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    LMAO yes, parents. It’s called parenting.

    Parents who provided the food, I meant: to be blamed as people who provided the food, not people with the parenting responsibility. You are right, maybe the chef in a restaurant was a better example. My point was that god provided everything we have, like fire. We can use fire both to cook food and cook people, it’s not reasonable to blame god, the creator of fire, when someone decides to cook someone else.

    What do these have in common? What point are you trying to make? What question did I ask?

    Question like “when someone gets cancer, shouldn’t they have the right to curse god?”

    Where did you take that from? The same could be said about spaghetti monster.

    God created everything, including space and time. It doesn’t make sense for god to be limited by its own creation. If spaghetti monster is the creator of everything, then that’s just another name for god I guess.

    Lorem ipsum. Text about nothing lol.

    I was trying to say just because we don’t know the reason for god’s decisions doesn’t mean a good reason doesn’t exist. And I made an example how when we were kids we made the same mistake of thinking there is no good reason for our parents to send us to schools, but there were, and we just couldn’t understand it. I hope this cleared it out, in case you thought I was spewing gibberish