I hear that plastic bags are soon to be banned? How will that affect you? I’ve already thought about rubbish bags and bin liners and I don’t know what the alternative will be yet. If they replace plastic rubber bags with those thick paper ones what is to stop people hiding a plastic bag inside of it? How will it be policed? Will the border customs staff be seizing imported plastic bags at the border?

  • RaoulDuke@lemmy.nzM
    1 year ago

    Just had a look. 85% of it was being recycled last year. So it’s just that our neighbours are the useless ones. And the government’s going to start requiring that all farm plastics are covered by a stewardship scheme to recycle them.

    Still, it seems like a government program could be so much more efficient than the current system of calling someone to have them come and pick it up from the middle of nowhere then take it back. You could have one rubbish truck with a compactor move to a different area every day and pick it up everyone’s wrap in one go.

    Long-term we need something better than plastic for silage wrap. People have been working on it but no one can do it at scale yet. When that happens, we need to make sure that’s cheaper/easier than the plastic stuff.

    • Dave@lemmy.nzM
      1 year ago

      Oh that’s good to see!

      Long-term we need something better than plastic for silage wrap.

      The problem is you need something that will not break down. Maybe the solution is to eeplace silage rather than the wrapping. Perhaps you use something that only breaks down in commercial composting, but silage can get very warm so that still may not be enough to prevent it breaking down in the paddock or shed.