• SJ0@lemmy.fbxl.net
    1 year ago

    I’ll admit there used to be a banner in front of a church in our city that sort of pissed me off. It was one of those “choose life” posters, and it showed an upper middle class white guy with a rolex and a polo shirt playing in the grass with his wife and his kids. It’s like “Well it’s really easy to say that when you’re Mr. Senator over here, get back to me when someone’s life is difficult”

    It’s safe to say that abortion is the final step along a long line of things that need to be changed in society leading up to the moment of the abortion. We need to bring back honor and duty for men because they do need to be prepared to take responsibility for their actions and they need to refuse to take actions they’re not willing or able to take responsibility for (and that means kids shouldn’t be having sex, because they can’t possibly support and raise kids). Both men and women need to be more careful about who they have relationships with and sleep with.

    My little sister has had to deal with a lot of bad stuff over the years from guys she’s been with. I’m really proud of her because (between her and her husband) they have 6 kids and are doing everything they can to raise them well on pretty normal blue collar jobs. As for the guys, we really gotta bring back getting the boys together and beating a motherfucker to within an inch of his life when he’s being a piece of shit.