• Alice@exploding-heads.comM
    1 year ago

    Forreal? Dam, that’s awful as fuck. Like how many months exactly?

    Imagine, surviving it and being disabled after that. Would the government cover that?

    I’m on the fence about abortion but dude. I feel like anything after a 1 month at most 2 is wrong

    • SJ0@lemmy.fbxl.net
      1 year ago

      There might be a moment very very very early on where I would expect an argument for it, but having seen my son at 10 weeks, and he had arms and legs and a head and a beating heart, and he was moving on his own. I just sat there annoying my wife saying “it’s just a clump of cells”

      When I was young I was very pro-abortion because I figured I didn’t want to become a dad too early. As I got older, I got onto the fence because I felt like there were some good arguments from the right. Seeing my son on the ultrasound, saying that that wasn’t a human being and that you weren’t going to kill it is a purely religious standpoint. The idea that a baby isn’t a baby until it comes through the holy birthing canal is straight up insane.

      I also realized as I got older that my original thesis was wrong. As a man I never had any abortion rights. A woman could straight up steal my sperm, and I would be on the hook for 18 years to support her and her child. I held off on having sex until I was of age to get married, not for religious reasons but for practical reasons.

      Everyone else is allowed to have their opinion on the matter, but even among the people who think abortion should be legal fairly late, almost all of them think that abortion at the moment of birth is wrong. It’s like, there’s a spectrum, and on one side there’s black and on the other side there’s white, and people might disagree on at what point the white becomes too dark a gray, but virtually everyone agrees that one pixel away from white ain’t it.

      • Alice@exploding-heads.comM
        1 year ago

        .Totally agree. Love how you sumed it up. Honestly abortion is just all around shitty in my opinion. I don’t feel like women should be ‘proud’ to have them but I also don’t feel like they should be 'ashamed 'either

        It’s not a form of birth control. I really like how you take responsibility for everything. Because I would say my number one issue with the abortion talk is people don’t hold men accountable to this kind of stuff. It’s always 100% on the woman. Like a woman can’t get herself pregnant like there’s two people involved here what the fuck?

        Why does she have to have all the shame but he just gets to skip town and pay the equivalent of an electricity bill in a one bedroom one bathroom apartment and child support for 18 years? I feel like that’s kind of getting out easy in my opinion

        And I know not all guys but some guys are definitely pro-abortion because it gives them the option to get out of the relationship Scott free. It’s an easy out and it’s fucked up to the girl because what the hell is she supposed to do think or feel? (GUYS PULL THE FUCK OUT WHAT IS FUCKING WRONG WITH YOU?)

        Sorry I’m not hating on you one of my female cousins went through this about 10 years ago and I was with her every step of the way. It wasn’t late term I think it was 2 months but she was in a really bad relationship like the guy was abusive he was put in jail a couple times for beating her unconscious and she had nowhere to go.

        I at the time couldn’t support her because I was also struggling in my situation

        So like that always makes me think, what about women in those situations? I mean honestly? I feel like if the abortion is before the heart starts beating then that’s the time that you should get it.

        Because yes at the point when it starts beating that’s a fucking human being and the woman is attached to it emotionally and biologically there’s nothing she can do to like extract the baby and put it in a scientific laboratory tube and give it life and a family after that I don’t know if that makes sense there’s all kinds of emotions and shit involved that the guy doesn’t experience in my opinion.

        Sorry I’m babbling now. My point is there should be restrictions on abortion. But I also don’t like how on the conservative side people preach about encouraging single motherhood and stuff but yet where are they when the kids are born? Especially for women who give birth to kids with disabilities. Where the fuck are you then? Like let’s get real here and stop with all the fancy talk and throwing fireworks and glitter in the air and shit like it’s the next best thing since sliced bread** be fucking honest**

        That girl or woman needs to know damn well what she’s getting into for any decision is made

        • SJ0@lemmy.fbxl.net
          1 year ago

          I’ll admit there used to be a banner in front of a church in our city that sort of pissed me off. It was one of those “choose life” posters, and it showed an upper middle class white guy with a rolex and a polo shirt playing in the grass with his wife and his kids. It’s like “Well it’s really easy to say that when you’re Mr. Senator over here, get back to me when someone’s life is difficult”

          It’s safe to say that abortion is the final step along a long line of things that need to be changed in society leading up to the moment of the abortion. We need to bring back honor and duty for men because they do need to be prepared to take responsibility for their actions and they need to refuse to take actions they’re not willing or able to take responsibility for (and that means kids shouldn’t be having sex, because they can’t possibly support and raise kids). Both men and women need to be more careful about who they have relationships with and sleep with.

          My little sister has had to deal with a lot of bad stuff over the years from guys she’s been with. I’m really proud of her because (between her and her husband) they have 6 kids and are doing everything they can to raise them well on pretty normal blue collar jobs. As for the guys, we really gotta bring back getting the boys together and beating a motherfucker to within an inch of his life when he’s being a piece of shit.