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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/happyegg1000 on 2023-07-19 14:32:43.

Ok, a little context before judgment. My gf works at a daycare and I work at a restaurant, so she typically leaves for work around 8am while I typically leave for work at around 4pm. This means she’s waking up at 7am, and going to sleep around 11pm, while I normally wake up around 10, and go to sleep around 1.

This has generally worked fine; she will get up and leave me sleeping until she comes and says goodbye around 8, but doesn’t wake me up fully so I can easily drift back asleep. I want her to do this, since I like being able to wish her a good day and see her for a second, but it doesn’t interfere with my sleep.

However, today is the 3rd time in the past month or two that she has fully woke me up around 7 to complain and whine about going in to work. It’s basically just like “I really really don’t want to go to work, I’m so tired,”, etc. I have issues falling back asleep, not to mention waking up to immediate negative energy, so the couple times this has happened has really thrown off the rest of my day.

Today, I politely explained to her that while I love her and I have complete sympathy for her stressful job and early hours, she needs to consider how waking me up will negatively impact my day, and that if her job/schedule was causing her that much stress it might be time for a different opportunity. She got upset and told me that if I couldn’t handle waking up a couple hours early to comfort her then I don’t care about her enough, and that it happens so infrequently that I should be there for her.

I’ve received split responses from friends, so wanted to know what you guys thought. AITA?