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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/FailAgitated1309 on 2023-07-19 14:45:42.

I (34M) was grocery shopping and there was a woman there with her kid. The woman was talking on her phone the whole time. The kid was running around like a tiny, drunk, rodeo clown.

I hear the kid yell a battle cry and I see him charging towards me with a foam diamond ax from Minecraft.

I got TF out of his way with my Bugs Bunny like reflexes. He ran head first into the handle of my shopping cart.

Now his mom is paying attention. He is splayed out on his back moaning and she asks why I let him get hurt.

Yeah there is absolutely zero chance on going to touch a random kid.

I told my boyfriend about it when I got home and he said I was an asshole for not intervening and letting a child get hurt. I think he is an asshole for not understanding the world we live in these days.