• chaogomu@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    The words, “And we fight. We fight like hell. And if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore.” were some of the last words of his speech that day.

    Followed by telling his crowd to march down Pennsylvania Ave.

    There is also some evidence of rough coordination between people linked to Trump and people planning violence before the insurrection.

    Take note, the rough evidence is what’s already public, Jack Smith likely has evidence that has not been made public yet.

    • Whirlybird@aussie.zone
      1 year ago

      This “rough evidence” is nowhere near enough for anyone to say he incited an insurrection. It wouldn’t even make it to court. Unless they have other undisclosed to the public evidence, this is a dead end.

      I’d say this is just another way to thwart his presidential campaign. The timing is no coincidence.

      And before everyone gets their knickers in a knot - if I was American I wouldn’t vote for trump. The guys a shitty business man and a shitty sex pest person.

      • chaogomu@kbin.social
        1 year ago

        Literal evidence of his inner circle working with insurrectionists, the same insurrectionists who had been planning an assault on the capital for weeks.

        The rough coordination, not rough evidence, was that most of the interactions seem to have been in person, and the full planning was done mostly by the people who would be breaking into the capital.

        We just don’t have public info that directly links Trump himself to the people who literally planned murder that day.

        We do, however, have links to many of his inner circle and those same people.



        As to incitement, anyone who listened to Trumps election lies for months on end, and then gathered to listen to more lies in that Jan 6th speech, knows that Trump wanted a riot to stop the certification of the election that he lost.

        He tried to have his Secret Service detail take him to the capital, they refused, and Trump literally hit his driver over the head because of it.

        Mick Pence was seconds away from getting into a car to evacuate, and then refused. This was the moment that Trump’s plan failed. That’s how close we came to a successful coup.

        • Whirlybird@aussie.zone
          1 year ago

          We just don’t have public info that directly links Trump himself to the people who literally planned murder that day.

          Cool, that’s what I’ve been saying - based on the public evidence there’s nothing that can put Trump in jail for inciting an insurrection.

          That’s how close we came to a successful coup.

          You think a bunch of people breaking in to a building and taking selfies is a coup? Come on…really? How exactly do you guys think that this “insurrection” and “coup” was actually going to overthrow the government?

          • chaogomu@kbin.social
            1 year ago

            Make no mistake, we do have quite a bit of public evidence of his coup attempts.

            And the public information we do have on Jan 6th alone is pretty damning as well. Just watch or read the Jan 6th committee reports.

            Trump knew damn well he was starting a riot, and had to be forced to call it off, but only did so when he was told that it had failed.

            Kevin McCarthy even called Trump during the riot, begging him to call it off, and Trump said no.

            All we lacked, was a direct tie between Donald Trump himself and the Oath Keepers/Proud Boys. You know, the worst of the people with pre-meditated plans to break into the capital building. The people who had capture/kill lists that included prominent democratic representatives and also Mike Pence, who Trump tweeted “had let them down”. Which only fueled the riot more.

            The Jan 6th report has everything else. Trump planned the riot, he planned to send his followers to the capital, he planned that part weeks in advance.

            His close advisors then went on random conspiracy media appearances and used phrases like “this is 1776”.

            So you had weeks of Trump building up his lies and the violent rhetoric, and then on the day of the speech, he sends the crowd to the capital screaming that they had to “fight like hell” or else they wouldn’t have a country anymore.

            Trump then tried to have his driver take him to watch the chaos unfold.

            And then people like you, who would have been in the capital building that day hunting for Mike Pence, come out and say “no it wasn’t an attempt to violently overthrow the government, we swear”.

            Face it, the Orange would be tyrant is going to prison. Hopefully for the rest of his life. However long that is, for his bloated ass.

            • Whirlybird@aussie.zone
              1 year ago


              Again - I wouldn’t vote for trump in a million years. The guy is a moron. No, I would not have been there hunting for mike pence.

              You guys need to stop the baseless accusations.

              The Jan 6 Committee was a democrat PR job, nothing more. It was made by the democrats, for the democrats. Everyone knew what the outcome was going to be the second it was announced. Shockingly, the expected outcome was the outcome you got lol. Just like any companies “we investigated ourself and found we did no wrongdoing”, the democrats investigated the republican president and found he was a very naughty boy and of course was guilty of what they wanted him to be guilty of.

              Trump can rot in jail for the rest of his life for all I care. It doesn’t affect me. All I care about is the fairness of proceedings.

              • chaogomu@kbin.social
                1 year ago

                A Democrat PR job? They compiled a very thorough report that laid out exactly what Trump was doing, with full context. The fact that most Republicans refused to even join the committee when asked was telling. It says that almost all Republicans are okay with coup attempts if it’s a Republican making the attempt.

                Trump literally tried several coup strategies. Do you remember the Raffensperger phone call? Trump’s “perfect phone call”?

                That was a coup attempt.

                When it failed, he tried again, and again, and that all lead to the coup attempt on Jan 6th.

                The fact that you’re still trying to deflect and defend Trump is telling. Claiming that it’s “not fair” when the fucker should be in jail awaiting trial. That would be fair.

                • Whirlybird@aussie.zone
                  1 year ago

                  A Democrat PR job?

                  Yes, a Democrat PR hit job. It was done by democrats, for democrats, and not in an actual court with actual judges or jury or anyone impartial.

                  The fact that most Republicans refused to even join the committee when asked was telling. It says that almost all Republicans are okay with coup attempts if it’s a Republican making the attempt.

                  It’s telling that they knew what was happening, sure. If someone asked me to join a committee that was being made by nazis to see if the government did something wrong by allowing jewish people to not be murdered en masse, I wouldn’t join that committee and neither would 99% of non-nazis. Refusing to join isn’t a sign of guilt or admittance of any kind.

                  The fact that you’re still trying to deflect and defend Trump is telling.

                  I’m not defending trump, that’s the mistake you keep making. I’m defending the process by which people are charged and found guilty. A speech saying “we need to fight!” isn’t and never should be enough evidence to arrest and charge someone with “inciting an insurrection”, especially when that same person also said “cooperate with and respect all law enforcement officials, they’re your friends” and “be peaceful”.

                  Like I’ve said a few times - if they have other evidence of his involvement in PLANNING and encouraging the events of that day then put him on trial and lock him up til he’s dead for all I care. The evidence we, the public, have seen though is nowhere near reaching that threshold.

                  • chaogomu@kbin.social
                    1 year ago

                    Reality is a Democrat hit job!!!1one11!!1one!!11!!exclamation!!11!

                    You’re a Trumper who is defending Trump. Face it. Deflecting to “the process” is bullshit, because the process was out in the open. Trumps own words are what have been used to show that he’s a deranged narcissist who tried to coup our country, and launch an insurrection when those first coup attempts failed.

                    Explain the phone call between Kevin McCarthy and Trump when Trump refused to call off the insurrection. You cannot, because Trump actually refused.

                    You’re ignoring months of lies from Trump, months of attempts, and the fact that we know he was planning on sending his supporters to disrupt the certification. Because he lost. And the little man baby couldn’t take that loss.

                    And you’re still defending a loser and a traitor.

                    If you want to disprove this, actually read the Jan 6th committee report. I doubt you will though, you seem to suffer from conservative brain rot. Often called Fox News Brain.

                    On that note, Fox News didn’t cover any of the Jan 6th Committee, they were afraid of showing their viewers any of it, because their viewers cannot handle the truth.

                    We know conservatives who watch Fox cannot handle the truth, because Fox was sued for slander for spreading Trump’s lies, and Fox’s internal documents have the on air talent making fun of how much of a rube you conservatives are. How willing you are to swallow lies. How unwilling to even look at the truth.

                    Tucker Carlson was particularly hateful of conservatives, and particularly pissed when any of the on air talent broke character and accidentally told the truth.