sorry i got my rhetoric ™️ wrong last time i am just attempting to illustrate the thesis of Tolerance is not a moral precept by Yonatan Zunger so check that out if ur curious thanks babes <3

[Tolerance] is an agreement to live in peace, not an agreement to be peaceful no matter the conduct of others. A peace treaty is not a suicide pact.

      1 year ago

      That overview doesn’t really say anything other than ~~ trust us, it’s there ~~

      They want to charge me $32 to read the actual paper, which I’m not going to spend.

        1 year ago

        Tbf, anyone claiming that every sector of state and federal level American governance isn’t dripping with systemic racism and other discrimination is either arguing in bad faith, wilfully ignorant or an idiot. I have a feeling you might be the trifecta.

          1 year ago

          I just always hear people talk about systemic racism, but never point to anything specific which can be changed or fixed. How can anything be fixed if it can’t be defined? That’s isn’t bad faith, ignorant, or idiotic, it’s how you solve problems. Step 1… define it. You’ll never be satisfied if you don’t know specifically what you’re upset about, because you’ll never know when it’s been resolved. Are you just parroting others; is that why you resorted to personal insults instead answering the question for yourself? Instead you sent me to an article I assume you also haven’t read, since it’s behind a paywall.

          I’m not saying there aren’t things in society that can be improved. Everything can always be improved. But if you want any improvement to happen you need to know what those things are and be able to explain it. This shouldn’t be a hard question for someone who claims to care.

          I can probably get you started… can we assume gerrymandering is on the list? So then what would the solution be? I’m not an expert on political districts, do we just make in a grid across all the states, maybe scaling the size of the grid up or down to account for population density? I don’t think there is a law that requires gerrymandering, but I’m on board with redrawing the districts to eliminate the madness there.

          What else?