sorry i got my rhetoric ™️ wrong last time i am just attempting to illustrate the thesis of Tolerance is not a moral precept by Yonatan Zunger so check that out if ur curious thanks babes <3

[Tolerance] is an agreement to live in peace, not an agreement to be peaceful no matter the conduct of others. A peace treaty is not a suicide pact.

    1 year ago

    That is equally vague. What constitutes harm, who defines what harm is?

    If corporations are in change, they could argue that you not spending all your money on their product harmed them, because they didn’t meet their revenue targets this quarter.

    A politician could say you not voting for them harmed their chances of getting elected.

    Someone at the grocery store could say you harmed them by buying the last loaf of their favorite bread.

    Also, believing something, devoid of any actions around it, is incapable of harming anyone. If someone believes cats shouldn’t exist, but goes about their life as a normal person, no one knows and no cats or cat people are harmed. Belief happens in the mind. We don’t want to go down the road or thought crimes.

    • That is equally vague. What constitutes harm?

      Any action or inaction that physically, financially, or mentally damages another human being through malice or negligence.

      who defines what harm is?

      In a democracy? The people.

      Belief happens in the mind. We don’t want to go down the road or thought crimes.

      If you believe hurting a group of people, for any reason, is righteous you’re more likely to commit crimes against that group. If we’re going to start talking about slippery slopes, let’s talk about the slippery slope of allowing hate to take root and spread in any society and how that’s turned out in the past.