Welcome to Ask Burggit, wanted to get it off the ground and make an initial post, and I was kind of curious to see what people would answer.

How did you hear about Burggit?

  • awoo@burggit.moe
    1 year ago

    People keep praising federation and decentralization and yadda yadda yadda without noticing the elephant in the room: The owner of an instance can block other instances, therefore denying its users from contents solely because they choose to do so.

    This is extremely problematic for me because an instance is not only a community by itself, but also supposed to be a window into the Fediverse for its users. For those who came from Reddit, can you imagine using a reddit third party client only to find out they don’t allow you to view certain subreddits for whatever reason?

    Huge respect to Burggit for having the ball to run a truly “safe and diverse” space for the Fediverse dwellers.

    • Burger@burggit.moe
      1 year ago

      You’re welcome. I fully expect them to pull a Tusky for their Jerboa app if we show up more on their radar. What a crock of shit, the Tusky app hardcodes a blacklist of Pleroma and Mastodon instances so that the end user can’t connect to them. Hence the need for the Husky fork.

      • soulnull@burggit.moe
        1 year ago

        Honestly, it’s why I’m trying to jumpstart more diverse but “safe” communities. If it’s nothing but lolis and cubs, the target is clear, but with decent discussion based communities, it becomes a bit more difficult and there’s an argument to be made that they’re not just blocking one type of content, they’re blocking entirely unrelated communities because they don’t like part of what they’re hosting. That bolsters the free speech argument even more when speech they like is inherently intertwined with speech they don’t like.

        I want this place to thrive. It doesn’t need to be the biggest, and inevitably zero tolerance types will block it regardless, but I want the decision to censor it to be painful for as many people as possible.

        • Disa@burggit.moeOPM
          1 year ago

          I am also 100% in favor of general communities, and I fully support your goal and reasoning for it. However, I do have my suspicions as to if it will work or not. A lot of the lemmy instances out there, at least the ones I have seen currently, are exceptionally restrictive as far as their content is concerned. A lot of people won’t look very deep, and will make decisions entirely based on very small bits of information. I think even now, if people bothered to look deeper, they’d see we’re more than just a “right-winger” instance. I don’t know if much if any political stuff has really been posted here at all. And as far as loli is concerned, they can’t see any of the NSFW posts/communities unless they log in or look deeper. So bans on that are entirely based on assumptions and the bit of text that is in the sidebar.

          It really does entirely depend on how open others are to take a look at what’s actually on the instance, as opposed to just what they think is on the instance.

          Sorry if this is a bit disjointed. It’s very late/early here, so probably not the most cohesive post i’ve made sofar.

          • Nazrin@burggit.moe
            1 year ago

            Every reddit alternative that I’ve been looking at for the last year had an anti NSFW policy, much less an anti loli policy. This is the first reddit alternative that I have seen that has a open loli policy. I can for sure see why they would block us just because we have porn. I feel the same is going to soon happen to the other NSFW instances if they keep up their non consensual porn like celebrity leaks. I hope we can successfully navigate the narrative and not become early adopters of say, a nazi channel. Or other such extreme indefensible community. One thing I worry about is if your anti-DMCA policy will attract a pirate community that uses this instance as a non-clandestine hard drive for movies and games.

            • Disa@burggit.moeOPM
              1 year ago

              One thing I worry about is if your anti-DMCA policy will attract a pirate community that uses this instance as a non-clandestine hard drive for movies and games.

              If this was to happen, they’d be fine hosting, say links to torrent files or what have you. But they’d quickly reach the file size limit if they tried to upload full games/movies on our own servers, causing the upload to fail. So that shouldn’t be a huge issue.

              hope we can successfully navigate the narrative and not become early adopters of say, a nazi channel.

              This is an interesting one as, technically, it’d be allowed. However, they would likely want to avoid us, since we require users not directly harass or call for the death of specific groups or individuals. This would be… very difficult for that specific ideology to do. They would most likely prefer a different platform, which did not restrict things in this specific manner.

              We also have no interest in being another Voat, Gab, Kiwifarms or similar type of site, and we have no issues stepping in if it seems things are starting to head that way.

              Hope this addresses and ideally eases these concerns that you have.

              • moyi@burggit.moe
                1 year ago

                I wouldn’t really count on that happening. Poison seeks its own kind and they’ll likely just make their own lemmy instance rather then set here. Especially considering that stuff did actually happen before and it ended miserably for them, when gab tried to open themselves to federation and promptly took themselves after being ridiculed and spammed from many, many sides and circles of the fediverse.

                • Disa@burggit.moeOPM
                  1 year ago

                  This is also what we believe will happen, those groups of individuals will be more likely to stick with their own kind. We also have a few things in our rules/description that have a very high likelihood of turning away those with extremely radical beliefs.

        • Burger@burggit.moe
          1 year ago

          While I think more general purpose communities would be awesome, we honestly should not care what these people think of us. They’ve already got the narrative in their heads that we’re a skinhead nazi instance when that’s far from the case. It does not matter how much we try to prove to them we aren’t one. The guys on r/RedditAlternatives painted me as a right winger, then a fascist, then settled on libertarian.

          They did the thing that average redditors do and dug through my profile and found one little meme of me making fun of the WEF and painted me as a horrible person based on that. It was quite funny to watch them short circuit and try to pidgeonhole me into an ideology, though. I personally hate both political parties with a passion and think libertarians are the vegetarians of politics who refuse to shut the hell up. So they got it all completely wrong.

          • soulnull@burggit.moe
            1 year ago

            The funny thing is i was in a pretty heavy debate (oddly enough on the KDE subreddit) because i called out righties for making something political that really didn’t need to be, and then the lefties came out in force to swarm me for the single line “I’m no ally to either side”. Oh man, you’d think I started Nazi marching to those people, absolutely no tolerance for someone that refuses to be in full lock step with every line of their bullshit. And then people wonder why I’m no ally to either side. It’s because the “sides” are straight up fucking cults at this point. In a world of, what, almost 8 billion people, things are more complex than 2 “sides”

            I read the thread you mention (I did my homework), and I was simultaneously amused and disgusted. Amused at how badly they needed a box to place you in to feel better about their little world view, but disappointed and disgusted that we’re in a timeline and place where people can’t just go “meh, I disagree” and move on. And with civility, but that’s certainly out the window. So much fucking drama over such stupid shit. Seriously.

            I don’t have to agree with someone to respect their stance, nor do I need to respect their stance to agree. Anyone can have a good or a bad take. I care not about the messenger, but the ideas presented. The original aim of “anonymous” was to separate the ideas from the identity so each idea could stand on its own merits. It’s a good concept, but instituted by flawed beings that crave attention, it’s doomed to failure. Which is sad, because it’s a good idea.

            I could continue ranting (I probably most closely align with the “vegetarians” so clearly I don’t know when to shut the hell up, though admittedly I say I’m small L because I don’t vibe with centralized power over a concept or idea), but I’ll cease for now since I’m already veering vaguely off the original topic…

    • Disa@burggit.moeOPM
      1 year ago

      Yep, 100%. Federation is great, but it usually ends up kind of split between the more free speech/expression/thought instances and the “safe spaces” which refuse to interact with anyone who does not fit inside a very specific ideological box. Lemmy is in a weird position currently, due to the massive reddit exodus, so right now most Lemmy instances are more leaning towards the “safe space” type instances which rule with a Golden Hammer & Sickle.

      As more instances which are accepting of varying forms of speech open up, Lemmy will have the actual benefits of the fediverse, which can be seen better on platforms like Mastodon/Pleroma/Akkoma.

      As for us, we won’t be blocking/defederating with instances unless they actively post like IRL CP or Terrorism content. So, we’re as open, federation wise, as other instances allow us to be.

      We’re happy to provide you with that kind of space. It’s not our job to decide what you can/cant do/say/see. That sort of thing should be your sole decision.