Welcome to Ask Burggit, wanted to get it off the ground and make an initial post, and I was kind of curious to see what people would answer.

How did you hear about Burggit?

  • Grim@burggit.moe
    1 year ago

    I searched for loli/shota communities on lemmynsfw.com to see if they existed there, because didn’t specify if they allow that type of content, and I was curious if they did. I noticed the only two communities that popped up in the search both led here. I clicked apprehensively, because the type of places that allow loli/shota can be a real mixed bag lol.

    I was very pleasantly surprised to immediately see the pinned post “Welcome to Burggit! We’re not what you think we are!”. Good sign! Then I saw y’all are explicitly trying not to be like Voat or Kiwifarms, and that’s an even better sign!

    I don’t even like lolisho content. It’s just an important ethical issue to me that fictional content that hurts no one should not be treated the same as actual CSAM. And that people who like said content shouldn’t immediately be assumed to be pedophiles. And that pedophiles not be immediately assumed to be abusers/molesters/evil monsters. It’s an issue I’ve accidentally become passionate about. I’m likely to meet people with this same mindset here. So I joined!

    Burggit also got a genuine chuckle out of me when I read the DMCA policy on the sidebar. The bluntness is hilarious.

    I have to admit I hate the logo for this instance tho lmao

    • Disa@burggit.moeOPM
      1 year ago

      I’m glad the pinned post relaxed your worries! Looks like it’s doing its job! Happy to have you aboard!~ I’m also glad you like the sidebar DMCA thing, I wrote that, and I was… a little sassy with it, I’ll admit, but it amused me, so I kept it. xD

      We also have the same mindset when it comes to loli/shota/cub as well as pedophiles not automatically being abusers/evil people. I too have accidentally become passionate about this topic. Kinda nice meeting someone else who is similar.

      • Grim@burggit.moe
        1 year ago

        Ooh, I how echo that sentiment! Tbh the “pedos aren’t automatically evil” thing has become a litmus test of open-mindedness/friendship material for me. If somebody passes that test they instantly gain my respect, because the type of person that can think beyond their own reactive disgust to a topic and end up defending the most hated people in our society simply because it’s the right thing to do, is the type of person I want in my life lol.

        I’m curious though, how did you accidentally become passionate about this topic? (You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.)

        • Disa@burggit.moeOPM
          1 year ago

          I have always been into shota like content, specifically because I like the short male being dominated by the large female. I was ridiculed for this, as well as finding characters who were “underage” (I can’t confirm I never did end up carbon dating the paper 😝). It ended up being a topic I would discuss a lot with people, some changed their minds, loosened their opinion or saw where I was coming from. I found a lot of people just were arguing based entirely on that reactive disgust, like you mentioned. I think that’s kinda how I ended up falling into it.

          • livixPmfOQRj@burggit.moe
            1 year ago

            Pretty much this. Though I tend to be more into the giantess thing. Shota is kind of a turnoff for me but size difference is 👌

    • livixPmfOQRj@burggit.moe
      1 year ago

      I have to say I 100% agree with you.

      I’m not even into loli/shota. Milf content is my thing. But I’m very dedicated to the idea of truth. And the truth is that loli/shota content is way overblown.

      If evidence ever comes out that it does harm children then I’ll charge against it, but so far it has as much evidence for that as the video games cause violence thing. And actually a good amount of evidence supporting the opposite. It helps reduce the amount of actual harm by providing an outlet. An outlet that harms no one.

      Free speech is another thing I passionately care for. Without it we may as well stick our heads in the sand whenever someone we disagree with comes along, which seems to be the case with a lot of the reddit migrants.

      We as a society or people never progress or learn by cutting off communication and discussion, but instead by throwing ideas and beliefs into a gladiatorial ring of scrutiny where the fallacies and lies get shredded to reveal the underlying truth.

      As the quote goes “If we collapsed as a civilization, our gods, our beliefs would all disappear and change, but physics and mathematics would be rediscovered and would be the same.” - My butchering of a quote I don’t remember the origin.

      The DMCA thing made me actually laugh, lol.

    • Burger@burggit.moe
      1 year ago

      FYI, lemmy.burger.rodeo one is an old domain that I’ve set to redirect to the new one. We had no idea that this instance was going to gain traction and once we saw people signing up left and right we decided to switch domains to one that sounded better and had far less chance of being arbitrarily revoked (GoDaddy owns the TLD for .rodeo)